The UK government wants to keep a close eye on all their toddlers with the intention of identifying those at risk of becoming terrorists.
Nursery staff, teachers and child care providers are tasked with becoming ‘spies’ under the proposed directive currently before Parliament.
Pre-crime surveillance is now taking multiple forms in an effort to discover those who will not bend over to the authority of the ruling class. Once these ‘potential terrorists’ are found, one would assume they would get a special education on how to be a sheep.
Way to show so dictator views Ed
What is wrong, as a kid I was allowed to think for myself and punished if I made the wrong choice by my parents, way of thinking, but at least I learn to think for myself, not the way some teacher, or professor told me how to think. We need to let our kids think then teach them right from wrong, and to respect others. That is not done today by parents and kids only get what the teachers and or professors led them to believe. If you disagree today in classroom with the teacher, you get bad grades, so no wonder we have mindless kids wondering around our country. Teach your kids morals, right from wrong, and respect at home, don’t rely on the teachers or professors. Navy retired.
It’s “your” sewer Ed, not “you” sewer.
I thought HITLER was dead ?
Enemies= terrorist (per government paranoia)
The bits are Nuts!
Total insanity.