As far back as 2014, Islamification was discussed by Tom Winsor, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary, with Times newspaper. The fact that there are areas of London that are “so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives”, is evidence that helps support Trump’s concern and his blatant statement that the U.S. needs to keep Muslims out. Trump was not using inflammatory rhetoric that was lacking factual substance. London has been Islamified and America should learn from their problems.
“There are some communities born under other skies who will not involve the police at all… I am reluctant to name the communities in question but there are communities from other cultures who would prefer to police themselves. There are cities in the Midlands where the police never go because they are never called. They never hear of any trouble because the community deals with that on its own . . . They just have their own form of community justice.”
Because of political correctness, London has experienced entire neighborhoods to be taken over by Muslims, who then govern themselves and where extra vigilance in “no go white areas”, must be used.
One close-protection security expert told Breitbart London earlier today: “You have to be more vigilant in some areas than others due to demographics and radicalisation. Absolutely, without question. Anybody that states otherwise would be burying their head in the sand and ignoring the reality”.
Source: Breitbart
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.
England and Europe you did it to your selfs, Now you have to clean up the mess that you brought on to your country’s by letting in the Bararian’s and they will Distroy your country’s identity. And Tear down your way of life to suit their own way. How long will it take before your Laws are replaced by Sharia Law.
and they are no go in my neibor hood
No Problem;;; Send in Squeal Team 006……
if they don’t like it let them be deported.
That’s when you should get the people out of these countries
Kill all Moslems, and we won’t have to worry about c**p like this.
They should call out the troops, put them in Humvees and tanks and let them roll through! Reclaim your country!
Well if our weak corrupt cops don’t want to enter Muslim areas then leave your badge at the desk and leave, we need strong willed cops who are willing to stand up for the British people and say no means no to Muslims. If Muslims won’t obey our laws and culture then go home.