UFC fighter Dave Herman was recently tased and arrested after demanding that cops show their ID. Herman, his wife and child pulled over into a public place due to having car trouble and noticing that police had been following them, probably due to the fact that Herman had his hazards flashing.
“Do I know you?” and “Who are you?” asked Herman of the police.
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So let’s just completely ignore all of the cases of women getting raped and men getting murdered by f**e police in f**e uniforms.
I’m willing to bet that 99.9% of officers that pull people over are legitimate officers. How many other videos do you see people asking for three forms of ID from officers? Like I said, he created the entire situation.
Don’t take police on a high speed chase with your family in the car. Don’t drive three miles and jump out of your car yelling you don’t know any of them. You sound like an idiot on wet. You should expect to be tasered for acting a fool. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Wife should have birch slapped him but she is just as stupid.
He also sounds mentally unstable. Punched in the face once too often damaging his brain.
GOOD cops tell us to do this very thing. There HAVE been cases where someone posed as a cop, pulled someone over, and raped or robbed them, or both. While especially important for women driving alone, this is true for anyone. And its the COPS (THE GOOD ONES) who tell us this. They say if you are pulled over, drive until you can stop in a safe, well lighted place, only put your window down a crack, ask to see their ID. Same if they come to your door. Not to be difficult, just to make sure they are not f**e cops.
She Is the type the will always comply, doesn’t matter if it is wrong , do it or else… Heel ,kneel,beg , listen to those that THINK they know more then you, obey, comply and do as you are told !!! I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like a free society to me
We’re these cops mechanics ? And I am sure if a cop inspected your vehicle they will not be looking to see if it mechanically sound… But I guess you were there so you know the whole story , or did you catch the story second hand like the rest of us and you took the cops word for it
Don’t be a stupid cop, us citizens are innocent until proven guilty, correct? They should have been wearing cameras and been filming this too.