UFC fighter Dave Herman was recently tased and arrested after demanding that cops show their ID. Herman, his wife and child pulled over into a public place due to having car trouble and noticing that police had been following them, probably due to the fact that Herman had his hazards flashing.
“Do I know you?” and “Who are you?” asked Herman of the police.
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It is not too much to ask to see an ID when their cameras were not on.
More police thugs!
THE POLICE WERE TRYING TO PULL HIM OVER FOR THREE MILES. He wouldn’t pull over. He also stepped out of the car when the police approached him. Why ask for ID when they are wearing their uniform? Why didn’t he comply? He created the entire situation.
So Many No No
all of those sorry cops should be fired
It seems that those wacky cops are at it again! Taser a civilian (I cannot believe it) in front of his wife and children. This is why the majority of Americans don’t trust them 100%. Took naked pictures, kept him in jail to the last possible moment to release because it brought the cops pleasure. We have to remember the cops can arrest, try, and kill you. This, is why cops are not liked don’t like them.
Shut your mouth and do what you’re told?
Now, shut your mouth and go make a sandwich. See how that works?
Get a clue, lady.
I think I’d sue-we have a right to ask for their ID s’pecially with people running around impersonating police.
why does this not surprise me, well hmmm it happens so much from police brutality that this comes to no suprise hell just because the guy asks for his id is no reason for grounds to tazer some body and this is why I hate cops their no helping any one their maken the world crazier and one day the people will have a rebellion against this form of abuse from are leaders its bound to happen in society revolution its unstoppable its the natural order of are civilization.