UFC fighter Dave Herman was recently tased and arrested after demanding that cops show their ID. Herman, his wife and child pulled over into a public place due to having car trouble and noticing that police had been following them, probably due to the fact that Herman had his hazards flashing.
“Do I know you?” and “Who are you?” asked Herman of the police.
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This evidence counter to Herman’s evidence??? IT IS HERMANS evidence! And it still shows the police in the wrong. The disappearance of the gas stations footage by the police is evidence. The supervisor asking about video to be sure there was none is evidence. This is an abusive police department. Protect and serve Is their place. They were neither protecting or serving.
Not so much. We have a problem locally with f**e cops pulling people over
And it is a state law for a reason
They are
They should have had their names on their uniform.
Herman is the problem. Wise decision by police.
“I sat for five minutes and they tried to take naked pictures of me. They did actually force me to give them some naked pics, which was pretty messed up.” Herman states. This implies that Dave Herman carries naked pictures of himself with him, and he gave the police some of these pictures by their request. I’m sorry I don’t believe this story. I think is some information that we are not hearing.
The ads are inferior
Straight up