UFC fighter Dave Herman was recently tased and arrested after demanding that cops show their ID. Herman, his wife and child pulled over into a public place due to having car trouble and noticing that police had been following them, probably due to the fact that Herman had his hazards flashing.
“Do I know you?” and “Who are you?” asked Herman of the police.
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Just like any other profession, some bad apples sneak thru! Unfortunately, power courupts, absolute power courupts absolutely! Some just get a big head when wearing a badge! Sorry to say, I did for a spell. I was brought back to really quickly though!
They should have to roperly ID themselves.
Cops are NOT above the law as they seem to think!
I think some of the police training camps need to be investigated. Where are these ideas coming from?
Just dont resist when it’s your turn maybe they won’t kill you.
They’re just lucky he didn’t fight back!
The fighter was well within his rights according to the law if you ask a officer must show 3 forms of I.d. or you dont halfto talk to the officer and a badge is not one the catch is they can and probably will detaine you untill another officer arrives
Looks like a lawsuit to me..
There are f**e cops it is well do$#%&!@*ented and if you call 911 they can let you know if it’s a real cop or not http://www.khou.com/story/news/crime/2015/05/20/police-man-impersonating-cop-tried-to-pull-over-off-duty-officer/27668711/