UFC fighter Dave Herman was recently tased and arrested after demanding that cops show their ID. Herman, his wife and child pulled over into a public place due to having car trouble and noticing that police had been following them, probably due to the fact that Herman had his hazards flashing.
“Do I know you?” and “Who are you?” asked Herman of the police.
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That ISa legal question. SUE them mother FKrs
If a cop chooses to turn off his taxpayer furnished body camera, which is there for his own protection, he should have to deal with the consequences.
One more time the bi!ch cops acting like THUGS
Some people get their jolleys hurting other people. Sadly those kinds of people do enjoy becoming Doctors, Dentists and Police officers mostly.
U might be tough but the boys in blue or black r tougher..
Cops put up with more bulls**t in one hour on the streets than the rest of us do in a week at our jobs. Shut your mouth and do what you are told!!! If anything, we are headed for a Police State because the decent ones who signed up for the job with the best of intentions to uphold the Law, will be disrespected, sued and over ruled to the point where they will just give up. That will open the door for the REAL abusers of power to step in and ” fire upon civilians” at will. Just as Obama designed it….
Who are this Cops were do thy work what are there names send them to me and lets see what the internet can do about these coward cops thy need to lose there jobs Cops are not above the law these cowards with baggers need to be take down for the lawlessness thy are inposeing on the people of the USA The Time has come to STOP THE COWARD COPS OF THE USA ROLLING ROUND LIKE GANG MEMBERS ABOVE THE LAW .. ITS TIME FOR COPS LIKE THIS TO LOSE THERE JOBS AND NOW
Careful. You might think its an easy win. I did.
they are abusing so called power