UFC fighter Dave Herman was recently tased and arrested after demanding that cops show their ID. Herman, his wife and child pulled over into a public place due to having car trouble and noticing that police had been following them, probably due to the fact that Herman had his hazards flashing.
“Do I know you?” and “Who are you?” asked Herman of the police.
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Actually, if you’re not threatening them and you ask for their id, they’re obligated to show you id as well as tell you why you were being stopped. No, it’s not okay to get what he got for asking. They wouldn’t have a suit or a video on YouTube if the cops had shown id rather than attack him for understanding the law
You are threatening to a Police officer WHEN you don’t follow his/her orders. After you comply and there is not threat, you may ask for ID. If they are telling you to get on the ground and you argue, they have to take control. If you don’t understand that then just do it your way. I hope to see your video on here someday.
That right there “You are threatening to a Police officer WHEN you don’t follow his/her orders. After you comply and there is not threat,”…That is the whole problem. The indoctrinated masses that think this is the way of FREEDOM. You are the problem with this country sir, you are helping them put us all on our knees begging for our lives. That is the most twisted and perverted sense of liberty that has ever existed. You may not value yours, but I do. Many of us do. There are plenty of true patriots left in this country. Sorry that you are not one of them. You are the enemy of freedom and liberty. Get out of America and move a country that is already governed at gun point if you really believe your words. DO NOT ruin my country with your brainwashed views. Sheep being herded to your death and you are applauding it!
An officer is obligated to inform you of why you’re being detained before giving you orders unless you’re actively resisting in some way other than asking to see ID and for a reason why you were pulled over. Dumb $#%&!@*s like you are the downfall of this country
You two ladies are everything that’s wrong with this Nation. I hope you grow up before it’s too late for you. I don’t know if you have children, if not please wait til your an adult before you do. I also wonder what your opinions will be once you stop living off the Government and start working. I guess Eric Holder, Obama, Michael Moore and Al Sharpton are your four hero’s. Bless you both.
Can you people not type or think for yourselves ? Stop copy and pasting. Anyone can do that. Well, not everyone.
Lmmfao that’s so cute, you don’t even know our ages or anything about our personal lives by your own admission then make a pathetic attempt to label us based on our ability to not allow overlook officers that break the law…
I hope everyone in Indy shows this. Interesting to see how a judge will view it.
I know your everything that’s wrong. I know your not grown up. You may have age, but your not a thinking adult. Already said didn’t know if you had children. Just ask you to wait if you didn’t. Only thing I could have missed is you living off the Gov. Bet I’m right on that too.