UFC fighter Dave Herman was recently tased and arrested after demanding that cops show their ID. Herman, his wife and child pulled over into a public place due to having car trouble and noticing that police had been following them, probably due to the fact that Herman had his hazards flashing.
“Do I know you?” and “Who are you?” asked Herman of the police.
See Following Page:
So if we suspect the police aren’t police, we can’t ask for their ID?
nasty cop behaviour
Walk a mile in someone’s shoes impersonating a cop!
I can get a police uniform from Party City!!
The facts are in the video!
I’m sympathetic with you but he should have complained with the officers he should have stayed in the vehicle and stopped when they pulled the lights on. How simple is that.
And I keep reading about these packs of f**e cops, several of them, that hang out together, driving marked police cars. You have to watch out for them. People need to stop drinking the conspiracy Koolaid
I made this last week. I used a roast that I cooked in the crock pot earlier that morning. I also used whole wheat pasta shells…it was very delicious. A nice change and crusty bread is a must. It made a huge pot..enough to share and freeze.
u cant just go pushing people around is all its not right ok i have my opinion to i am a american conservative