UFC fighter Dave Herman was recently tased and arrested after demanding that cops show their ID. Herman, his wife and child pulled over into a public place due to having car trouble and noticing that police had been following them, probably due to the fact that Herman had his hazards flashing.
“Do I know you?” and “Who are you?” asked Herman of the police.
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Why didn’t the police have their cameras on? Sounds like they were aware of who was driving before they pulled him over. Maybe it made them feel like men, when acting like idiots. I’m normally on the side of the police, but something is not right with this picture.
James Pircher ?
People need to get off that urbin myth that an officer in uniform has to show 3 forms of ID. They are not required by law to do so. The majority of people can’t even show 1 form of ID yet alone 3. All an officer in uniform has to do if asked and it’s not law or a shall unless it’s a department policy is to show their city, county or state police ID.
So save yourselves a lot of headaches by demanding such nonsense.
It’s not a law. Show the penal code for it?
I’m just glad we have social media, amazing how many times the cops are screwing up now that they are recorded .
This makes me sooooo mad. He was DISOBEYING a police officer. Those guys put their lives on the line constantly, yet he thinks he’s above the law and shouldn’t have to listen to the police. That’s JUST why so many of our brave police officers are being MURDERED!!
He was DISOBEYING the officers!!! What don’t you understand about that???????? Police officers have AUTHORITY and 99% of the time, they are CORRECT. But with thugs like this guy, it’s no wonder so many officers are being MURDERED.
Right on, Kimberly. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??????
Pablo, you are nuts.
Do as the Cops tell you, or suffer the consequences.