UFC fighter Dave Herman was recently tased and arrested after demanding that cops show their ID. Herman, his wife and child pulled over into a public place due to having car trouble and noticing that police had been following them, probably due to the fact that Herman had his hazards flashing.
“Do I know you?” and “Who are you?” asked Herman of the police.
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they should have too show their ID’s, along with their police3 Id.
Cops are bad cops are bad , they are bad bad boys what they gonna do… next
I hope he gets a good lawyer and nails them.
That is illegal as hell what they did
Evil police officers should be fired. They endanger their coworkers.
They do have to identify themselves. That’s the point
These cops need to be fired and never allowed to work in law enforcement in any capacity anywhere in the US. Not even so much as a custodians job in a dog kennel.
Really? I am a fan of his and when I watched the whole video on another site I think he instigated the whole thing.
How the hell do we know why you were pulled over? Yeah, you say all this but we weren’t there. Why didn’t you pull over initially? You made this a dramatic event when it didn’t have to be. Sad