UC Berkeley erupted into riots last week in protest of a speaking event headlined by Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopolous. Now, we’re learning more about the students and staff behind the violence.
Shortly after the riots took place, Donald Trump tweeted, “If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view – NO FEDERAL FUNDS?”
The press immediately attacked the president, claiming that the university itself had nothing to do with the riots. Of course, like much of what the press says, that ended up not being true. One of the prominent figures of the riots happens to be a member of the university’s staff.
Read about the shocking thing the UC Berkley staff member did to a Milo supporter on the next page:
Does that make you feel like a real man? But to me your no more that a 2 year old…
Fire this jerk and prosecute him to the max
Physical assault and battery – is a FELONY! Got it?
Fire him!!!
Well police knows who to arrest.
And he has influence over the minds of these young people in a classroom
If he assualted this conservative he would look a lot differant for this pic
Trump wants to build up the military. Round up all these asses and put them in the military. Ten weeks of training and off they go to Af’stan or some place as bad. They
I made a correction and messed up, sorry. They just might learn to appreciate this country or not come back.