In yet another huge blow to our Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled in Jan 2015 that a police officer can violate your 4th Amendment rights if they make a ‘reasonable’ mistake regarding the law.
If you are ignorant of the law, that is no excuse, but if a cop is ignorant of the law, he can violate your rights.
As incredible as it sounds, any cop can ‘play dumb’ and proceed to do anything he wants to you and feel secure that his excuse of ignorance will shield him.
How in the hell can a cop be expected to uphold the law if he doesn’t even know the law?
Don’t they get schooling on the force.
Total BS. The Supreme Court is liberal/progressive and it shows. They ignore what they don’t like.
wow isnt that sgt SCHULTZ?
Wrong! As part of the job there is NO excuse for not knowing/following cons$#%&!@*utional laws.
because they are superior humans, duh
where are the human right that we are promoting overseas ??
There is going to be alot of dead TRAITORS. Any one that obeys the TRAITOR, is no better than the TRAITOR.
The Supreme Court needs to be jailed along with the rest of them!!! The law should be made clear to ALL law enforcement!!! How stupid to send a cop out to enforce the law but not know the law!!!!!
Heck even Obama doesn’t know he laws cause he was to lazy , in college , so now we get these cops that don’t know the laws , my question is who is training these cops , or not . That’s like a doctor who doesn’t know , how the body works , or a car repairman doesn’t know how to change tires on a car or fix a flat . This is so bogus , please train cops well to know the laws before they become cops . From the HANKies