In yet another huge blow to our Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled in Jan 2015 that a police officer can violate your 4th Amendment rights if they make a ‘reasonable’ mistake regarding the law.
If you are ignorant of the law, that is no excuse, but if a cop is ignorant of the law, he can violate your rights.
As incredible as it sounds, any cop can ‘play dumb’ and proceed to do anything he wants to you and feel secure that his excuse of ignorance will shield him.
How in the hell can a cop be expected to uphold the law if he doesn’t even know the law?
Heil Obama!
And then we can sue the city county state for failure to train.
Say what? Are they nuts?
If they are cops then it is their job to know the law….if they dont know the law then their arrests cannot be upheld in court and they should have their badges stripped from them.
In CA Border Patrol Agent traveling in excess of 100 mph ran stop sign killing several members of family. Judge refused to hold Agent at fault, citing “it would have a chilling effect on law enforcement community.” Like it does not have chilling effect on law abiding citizens.
The supreme court shows how out of supreme they are. If they do this, bring a lot of body bags.
@[100000328816994:2048:Erick Frederick]
Supreme Court, congress & All current Politicians/Benedict Arnolds need to be Fired, replaced & regularly rotated for change to occur … ?
They can f**e ignorance!
wat ???