In yet another huge blow to our Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled in Jan 2015 that a police officer can violate your 4th Amendment rights if they make a ‘reasonable’ mistake regarding the law.
If you are ignorant of the law, that is no excuse, but if a cop is ignorant of the law, he can violate your rights.
As incredible as it sounds, any cop can ‘play dumb’ and proceed to do anything he wants to you and feel secure that his excuse of ignorance will shield him.
How in the hell can a cop be expected to uphold the law if he doesn’t even know the law?
that goes both ways stupids,
Supreme court no longer has the tespect of Americans. Cops are paid to know the law. As I understand it legalky, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
all courts are out of control because we can not control them- even if judge made mistake he/she will not be punished. It should be changed.
There for if we the citizens don’t know the law, we haven’t done anything wrong! What logic a bunch of pin heads have!
These idiot judges do not seem to know the law. Another prime example of the dumbing down of America.
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“Ignorance” is NOT a valid defense. [It] doesn’t wash for for the individual in court and it should NEVER be tolerated when Government is involved.
I cant understand why hussein obama isnt locked up on deathrow for the dozens of treasonous acts he has committed he is a terrorist supporting al qaeda and isis thats a hanging offense
Time to excuse some judges