In yet another huge blow to our Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled in Jan 2015 that a police officer can violate your 4th Amendment rights if they make a ‘reasonable’ mistake regarding the law.
If you are ignorant of the law, that is no excuse, but if a cop is ignorant of the law, he can violate your rights.
As incredible as it sounds, any cop can ‘play dumb’ and proceed to do anything he wants to you and feel secure that his excuse of ignorance will shield him.
How in the hell can a cop be expected to uphold the law if he doesn’t even know the law?
If they do not know the law and can not p$#%&!@* a simple test they should not be allowed to ware a badge and carry a gun pretending to be cops..
Any conservative that agrees with this has something to hide
If they dont know the law then they are not real cops. Not real cops makes them a Creminal just like a murderer or a rapist.
Would they really do that?
And they can get sued too.
They no longer are public servants !
Don’t they tell us that lack of knowledge is no excuse for breaking the law?
So does this mean I can break a law I don’t know about and get away with it.I think not,this country is going down the tubes very rapidly now Obama is in office.
The government which allows these rights should be able to “violate” any law they choose, because they are the ones who interpret the laws. If they feel your safetyness is threatened, i would not only hope they break laws trying to save me, i expect it under the guise of freedom and safety… why would we have a government that does nothing? And doesn’t keep its citizens safe at any and ALL costs?
Try it