A U.S. security team in Benghazi was stopped from responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission due to orders of the top CIA officer.
This is the account of three security operators at the secret CIA annex in Benghazi who were there to respond to any threat, yet there were given ‘stand down’ orders when they should have been allowed to helped their fellow Americans.
Their testimony is very telling.
more bs. these crackpots never give up
I believe the soldiers, this is why the obama and admin tried so hard to cover it up.
Glad to hear someone tell the truth about BENGHAZI!
Yeah Video my butt. We all new it was a 911 and never gave them help
I’m sure their orders came from very high up !!!
What more information do you need to understand this
I have a tendency to believe the people who “lived it” rather than some bureaucrat in Washington…..just sayen