A U.S. security team in Benghazi was stopped from responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission due to orders of the top CIA officer.
This is the account of three security operators at the secret CIA annex in Benghazi who were there to respond to any threat, yet there were given ‘stand down’ orders when they should have been allowed to helped their fellow Americans.
Their testimony is very telling.
this all rests at the feet of hamas hilly
Probably because nobody can act under this administration without permission from the president himself and he had a do not desturb sign because he had important fund raising the next day which probably included 9 holes
He doesn’t need Congress approval to sign something with his pen. He has proven to us he is a number one threat to America. Drag his ass outta of the White house now before he has the chance to do anymore damage
Believe the boots, not the bureaucrats!!! I watched the interview and it was very moving. Waiting for help that never came and being told to stand down 3 times!! This should be meat for Trey Gowdy to sharpen his teeth in!!!
I think we all know this was an “Obama no strategy moment”, and who’s to blame. This is where Barak and Hillary had disagreements which is why she really left the job, opening up the door for a more robotic type of lunatic to become secretary of state. John Kerry kisses Barack’s ass better than Hill ! This bastard needs to be held responsible for the deaths at Benghazi !
Lord… you idiots never give up… guess you’re still making money from the gullible and stupid… otherwise you might be talking about Bushwa Jr’s 17 ” Benghazis…. or maybe Reagan….
Anytime a stand down order is given and no help is there for any American over seas and our allies no longer trust us our enemy’s no longer fear us even a die hard liberal should understand we are 6 years into this administration and the biggest threat to American people is in this administration and the blame game they play ! How can anyone that has the ability to acuttaly think for themselves not see this ?
Bull$#%&!@* GOP cut funding for security
Mingo, GOP never cuts security… That is the left side if the aisle 9 times out of ten. Obviously funding wasn’t even cut in this case considering it was there and they were told to stand down.