A U.S. security team in Benghazi was stopped from responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission due to orders of the top CIA officer.
This is the account of three security operators at the secret CIA annex in Benghazi who were there to respond to any threat, yet there were given ‘stand down’ orders when they should have been allowed to helped their fellow Americans.
Their testimony is very telling.
there was no stand down orders issued if you try to follow the links they take you to bogus or no site
I have no idea how the President can be blamed for orders given by field Generals. That’s like saying Grant should have been held responsible for Custers orders at Little Big Horn bad orders have been given all the time. If this is how it really went down they may be just protecting there own hides.
BULL$#%&!@* ! ! !
All involved should be brought up on premeditated, first degree murder charges!
It’s as we all thought. They have lied to us all along. And noew they want Killary Clinton for president. I don’t think so………………………..
And on the same day these men spoke out, Obama sent a spokesperson out to say they were lying. Unbelievable. When is this man going to face charges for what he has done?
The so called “Constitutional Scholar” in the White House and Killary “Gave The Order”, “But at this point, What Does It Matter” ??? It matters that the Scumbags at the top set the “Lawless Tone” of this Administration even before the Election, with All Of The Lies To Even Get Elected, followed by even More Lies to be Re-Elected !!!
And don’t forget all of the Military Commanders who were fired, Not Only For Questioning The “Stand Down”Orders, but also for refusing to Open Fire On American Citizens !!! Over 200 Military Commanders have been Purged So Far !!! Including General Carter Ham of the Africa Command, who was fired for questioning the Stand Down Order and refusing to open fire on US Citizens !!!
He is Not Only “The Chief Liar”, He Is “The Liar In Chief” !!! “Hail To The Chief”, “To Hail With The Chief” !!!
Yes they were…..
Nothing surprises me