The airspace over Syria has become congested lately due to the amount of warplanes flying over the civil war torn country. The United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Israel and Russia are only a handful of countries fighting for dominance over Syrian airspace, and this has created quite a bit of tension, prompting headlines in the media that have people fearing World War III is upon them. The latest incident comes as U.S. and Russian warplanes flew within twenty miles of each other – well within visual contact range – prompting Washington and Moscow to race toward finding a way to avoid conflict.
Read more about this close call on the next page.
sup nazi
Obama isnt just the problem, the problem is Gov elites who are destroying the world
rumors…wars…did you all see the movie the moment after…1983 film…good one…
lol. one would think so but sadly not true
Very true
ISIS was a product of the CIA and the white house funded it through “humanitarian iad” to Israeli anti government rebels… much like BinLaden was actually an ex FBI/CIA agent. but they will never admit to any of this… maybe in a decade or so after they get what they want.
Correct, Jay. This is all planned…….prepare!
Proxy wars
kinda like Americans are still the only people in the world that believe that the WTC going down was the work of some terrorists… GET A BRAIN!