The airspace over Syria has become congested lately due to the amount of warplanes flying over the civil war torn country. The United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Israel and Russia are only a handful of countries fighting for dominance over Syrian airspace, and this has created quite a bit of tension, prompting headlines in the media that have people fearing World War III is upon them. The latest incident comes as U.S. and Russian warplanes flew within twenty miles of each other – well within visual contact range – prompting Washington and Moscow to race toward finding a way to avoid conflict.
Read more about this close call on the next page.
USA: Did Obama just admit to training ISIS!?
My question is who takes these pictures?
ISIS : Created and Funded by the Israel- UK- US- Axis. ISIS ( also referred to as ISIL or IS) was a group that seemingly emerged from nowhere in mid- 2014 to suddenly take huge portions of land in Iraq, With a convenient new enemy for Americans to fear and hate, the US Government then had a pretext to invade Iraq and Syria ( the game plan all along). However, the Zionist mainstream media has failed to tell you that ISIS is another CIA creation (like Al-Qaeda). A contrived bogeyman that is funded start to finish by the Israel- UK- US axis.Once they have played their part they will be discarded like all the other useful idiots used to further the agenda of world$#%&!@*
This was planned well before Russia showed up in Syria.
Shoot them down.
Almost need a coordinator for keep them from friendly/neutral fire
Push come to pull,, Russia (if leader lets our Military go to work) has not a chance Our stuff is much more accurate and powerful
Edgar Cayce said in the 40s out of Russia would come the hope of the World, I wonder if this is it.
Who will nuke first? I guess we all know why they reopened Cheyenne Mountain.
James Michael you should have s job on Hollywood weighting movies .you do have a wilde imagination