The airspace over Syria has become congested lately due to the amount of warplanes flying over the civil war torn country. The United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Israel and Russia are only a handful of countries fighting for dominance over Syrian airspace, and this has created quite a bit of tension, prompting headlines in the media that have people fearing World War III is upon them. The latest incident comes as U.S. and Russian warplanes flew within twenty miles of each other – well within visual contact range – prompting Washington and Moscow to race toward finding a way to avoid conflict.
Read more about this close call on the next page.
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viva Russia
The U.S. needs to pull out, they can’t beat anyone up and their just in the way.
Good…hope they fly over Washington and clean house..
how to fix…. : GET OBAMA OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE… problem solved.
They haven’t ‘clashed’ yet. Let’s hope they don’t. Given obummer’s penchant for wuss leadership, I would hope our military will be the leadership we need in this tender situation. .
WW3 is already happening with a slow burn.
if they ever stop BLINDLY following the retards orders… we may have a chance
yes china has sent aircraft to area also its about to get real
It’s Loser obama