While Russian warships launch cruise missiles in support of its military strike in Syria, it does so with a notable absence in the region. The U.S. Navy has no aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf for the first time since 2007.
According to military officials, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and it’s complement of approximately 5,000 service members and 65 combat planes, has departed to “undergo maintenance.” Whatever the stated rationale, this measure is the result of President Obama’s and Democrat’s mandatory military budget cuts.
More disturbing material on the next page:
run away, run away, the Russians are coming!!!!
F*cking coward pulls out of Iraq it’s now a mess with thousands murdered. Backs muslims over christians, and continually divides people. Back stabbing A-Hole!
osama is a Issis leader! Coward!
I don’t think it’s a bad idea Issi needs a more brutal enemy like Russia who don’t give about PR
Obummer – with his tail between his legs . . .
We have 5 nuke carriers parked side by side in norfolk. Can u say pearl.harbor ?
Why did the chicken cross the street ? To get back into the White house to hide LOL.
Obama is running with his tail between his legs
Obama does not listen to the Pentagon
Good, let Russia take out ISIS since Obama won’t. Way to go Putin!