While Russian warships launch cruise missiles in support of its military strike in Syria, it does so with a notable absence in the region. The U.S. Navy has no aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf for the first time since 2007.
According to military officials, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and it’s complement of approximately 5,000 service members and 65 combat planes, has departed to “undergo maintenance.” Whatever the stated rationale, this measure is the result of President Obama’s and Democrat’s mandatory military budget cuts.
More disturbing material on the next page:
Give me a break, if you can’t see this on your own, there is something wrong, and no more Dam discussion is needed, all I can say, is you and your kind can’t see, this nation is in real trouble.
The U.S.,has never been in such a position of weakness.
Once again, Obama leading from the back.
I wonder if the Chinese are in Syria only as a deterrent to OBango’s intervention and support of isis, or if the Chinese plan to invade Saudi arabia…
Congress denied him as I remember
Before the village idiots make a comment. Congress fought against our involvement
N I hope he gets your obama n all his Cronies with him!
Robert, I took a look at your page. We aren’t so far apart in our philosophies.
But within the universe of what is possible, why is removing our only carrier in the gulf the only answer?
Here’s an answer… React sooner to c**p that happens in the world so that we don’t have crisis in every corner. Then, plan ahead so that when Putin decides he’s gonna take control of the Middle East it doesn’t just happen to coincide with the end of an extended tour for the only carrier in the region and no others available to remain on station…. (Where is the carrier that would have otherwise been tasked with relieving the Big Stick)
Maybe we don’t decimate the military to such historic low levels that we can’t maintain presence in all of the places we need to… Even if we can’t (at the time we make the decisions) foresee any particular reason to do so…
And while we are at it, maybe it was also short sided to have the non refueled range of the aircraft on our carriers be limited to 1/2 the distance of the weapons our enemies have developed to destroy our carriers… making it foolish to keep a carrier in (what is now) Putin’s AO.