While Russian warships launch cruise missiles in support of its military strike in Syria, it does so with a notable absence in the region. The U.S. Navy has no aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf for the first time since 2007.
According to military officials, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and it’s complement of approximately 5,000 service members and 65 combat planes, has departed to “undergo maintenance.” Whatever the stated rationale, this measure is the result of President Obama’s and Democrat’s mandatory military budget cuts.
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always laugh Obama=Coward….How does sending OTHER men and women into batlle to possibly be killed make him NOT a coward?? Been hearing about ISIS for couple of yrs, how many US soldiers have been killed fighting ISIS….that would be 2 and I don’t believe they were from hostile fire.
Before obama was voted in, America was respected, now our country is a laughing stock of the world, obama is not only a Traider to America, but all countries who dependent on us, now we are being invaded, and obama wants to know why the American people are buying guns in record numbers, don’t take a brain surgeon to see why.
Smart move
Russia isn’t bombing Isis
Nope. He’d bring in an outside military
Another one took its place. DUH
Good. Let Russia deal with it. Saves us millions and we can pull our soldiers out of harm’s way.
ISIS is just one type of Sunni terrorist group. The Sunni Jihadits move from group to group to fight for Sharia imposition. None are our allies. Putin is smart enough to bomb all of them.
Postmodern liberals in both parties have failed to understand the religious dynamics in the M.E. 1967 was very significant.
Uh, that’s not an ‘aircraft carrier’.. it’s an LHD… Helo/Harriers and Amphibious landing ship…
you beat me to it