While Russian warships launch cruise missiles in support of its military strike in Syria, it does so with a notable absence in the region. The U.S. Navy has no aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf for the first time since 2007.
According to military officials, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and it’s complement of approximately 5,000 service members and 65 combat planes, has departed to “undergo maintenance.” Whatever the stated rationale, this measure is the result of President Obama’s and Democrat’s mandatory military budget cuts.
More disturbing material on the next page:
The last time a Republican told the truth was 1958 and it was Eisenhower and he warned us about the kind of people running and backing the GOP now. He even called them$#%&!@*s once and I’m glad you guys identify yourself online because its easier to track you later when you act up. Hell even Barry Goldwater the biggest hawk that ever was elected warned about the “moral Orels”. Just remember you’re the minority and it won’t change till you quit your crying and start being progressive in your thinking. EVOLVE or die out.
Has it occurred to anyone on this thread that we somehow have decided it’s okay to invade or overthrow any sovereign nation we wish? Has it occurred to you that Syria is Russia’s ally and that they have every right ro defend their ally, as we did Kuwait? At least they go after all of the enemies of their ally. Our government pretends there are ‘good’ rebels and ‘bad’ rebels. I say get the Hell out and let Russia be in the type of quagmire we have experienced in Afghanistan and Iraq.
russia is cleaning house
Funny, this isn’t an aircraft carrier, it’s an amphibious ship!
just like the last election, the progressives really cleaned up LOL and stop changing the subject libtards
More proof they want this to happen…all out war and genocide is coming to the Middle East…horrifying to consider the future…
Bummer must go!
Good, give our troops a BreaK.. How many years have we been are war and we aren’t getting anywhere? Russia is off to a good start and they aren’t worried about the ROE or Geneva convention
Heading to the South sea of China.
The coward in chief runs again, like he has done over and over