While Russian warships launch cruise missiles in support of its military strike in Syria, it does so with a notable absence in the region. The U.S. Navy has no aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf for the first time since 2007.
According to military officials, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and it’s complement of approximately 5,000 service members and 65 combat planes, has departed to “undergo maintenance.” Whatever the stated rationale, this measure is the result of President Obama’s and Democrat’s mandatory military budget cuts.
More disturbing material on the next page:
last I heard, so many dead people and illegal migrations were voting.
Ironically, that’s not even a carrier in the pic on the article.
“Never wrestle with a pig: you get dirty and the pig enjoys it”
Cover photo fail…that’s an LHD, not a CVN aka aircraft carrier..
At least someone with a brain around here.Thank you sir.
The Hebrews minted Coins to not only Athena, but to Zeus/Yahweh/Baal as well. The Golden Calf, its a BULL and its on WALL STREET. Let that Sink In.
Omuslim doing what he does best..protecting his own skin…he deserves a bullet. .B.A.M.N
That ship was just bombing Muslims and Obama has killed the second most Muslims of any American president.
Why are all of the “sources” in the articles by “Truth” and Action really advertisements?
About time the USA get out of that region.