Congress has uncovered some shocking information about the Obama administration’s strategy for fighting ISIS: during 75% of the missions flown by US pilots against the Islamic State, they were expressly prohibited from dropping their loads on the enemy.
This staggering lack of action stems from President Obama’s unwillingness to entertain even minimal civilian causalities in the battle against ISIS, telling military officials who said that there is always collateral damage in war, “No, you don’t understand. I want no civilian casualities. Zero.”
This incomprehensible policy came to light in a hearing arranged by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA). Grilling administration and military officials, Royce voiced his confusion over how we have been bombing ISIS for over a year now, and yet the group seems more active than ever.
After learning the reason why that was the case, he could only express disdain. “I don’t understand this strategy at all because this is what has allowed ISIS the advantage and ability to recruit,” he told the committee.
For more about Obama’s blocking of anti-ISIS airstrikes, turn to the next page:
Sure be glad when this muslim$#%&!@*is gone, along with his moron wife!!
The United states does not have a president. The military should just tell him to go suck himself and get on with being America again.
You know he likes Muslims, he spent a lot of time in Indonesia where he was deemed a Muslim
Well why don’t Obama go over there an live in there country ?
Taking care of his sons.
So terrible in our world what happened. We are lost, Terrible things are just the mainstream haps. Signng out.
Just can’t take this$#%&!@*anymore. Why do all you people keep feeding into this. Anything that happens is because we all are responsible for allowing it to happen. Common sense., People are lazy and want someone to take care of everything for them. See what has happened to our world, our country the human race. Terrible.
Don’t worry boys, the October surprise is coming. More bombs and ground troops to wipe out ISIS to seal the deal for HilLIARY to look like a war hawk and sway the undecided voters.
Throw this$#%&!@*hole in Jail.