It’s clear that we have not heard the end of the allegations of Russian interference with our November elections. Like so many such issues, it’s doubtful the public will ever know the absolute truth of the matter. In this case, with some of the details being classified, expectations of getting to the bottom of the story are almost certain to be frustrated.
Nevertheless, this is important business, if for no other reason than that the integrity of our elections has been called into question. A free and democratic nation won’t stay that way for long if the election process cannot be trusted. In other words, it’s fine to be angry with the results; it’s not okay for them to have been tampered with.
So now we have reports that a Russian think tank devised a method for swinging the recent election in favor of Donald Trump. Is this true, or just another example of “fake news?”
More on page two.
Thanks, Putin.
Obama stuck his nose in other countries elections and it’s just fine with you people but if another country stick their nose in America elections you don’t like it, well from where I’m sitting you got what you deserve, as far as Russia helping trump, how many votes did Russia change at the polls, zero and how many votes were change by corrupt poll workers, the people voted and trump won even though CNN and crooked voting so just shut up and deal with it
F**e news
Horse pucky.
Americans voted for Donald because the Liberal ideology screwed this country and WE WANT AMERICA TO BE GREAT AGAIN
Sure because they want war!
Does it make sense if Russia was a friend of Trump for him to start a war with them indirectly? Trump knows Russia is in bed with Syria, yet Trump bombed Syria anyway. Democrats are in turmoil and they blame everyone but themselves.
Why couldn’t the Russians save O’Reilly’s job if they have so much influence?
This is so dumb Hillary cheated and we the people voted Trump in by a landslide you stupid demonicrats get over it you lost !.
If they actually has even a tiny piece of dirt to use against Trump it would have been used long ago they looking into their own past and this is what they doing and blaming Trump get over it Trump WON WON WON WON WON WON WON