It’s clear that we have not heard the end of the allegations of Russian interference with our November elections. Like so many such issues, it’s doubtful the public will ever know the absolute truth of the matter. In this case, with some of the details being classified, expectations of getting to the bottom of the story are almost certain to be frustrated.
Nevertheless, this is important business, if for no other reason than that the integrity of our elections has been called into question. A free and democratic nation won’t stay that way for long if the election process cannot be trusted. In other words, it’s fine to be angry with the results; it’s not okay for them to have been tampered with.
So now we have reports that a Russian think tank devised a method for swinging the recent election in favor of Donald Trump. Is this true, or just another example of “fake news?”
More on page two.
This patriotic American had the same plans
On April 2, 2017, Nancy Pelosi admits she has ZERO FACTS to back the democrat’s Trump–Russian Theory. We emphasis on THEORY. Should we be focusing in on Hillary’s 20% sale of USA uranium she sold to Russia while Secretary of State? Remember Hillary’s huggy and kissy photo with Putin. When you do research, remember facts, beliefs, opinions, and prejudices. Truth is so important, and accusations are not based on facts, just wash them down the drain. The democrats in the senate are so good at this…they just shout an accusation like Maxine Waters “Let’s impeach Trump, or Trump is a communist” and walk away with zero facts. Then the Pink$#%&!@*v****a masks/ BLM brigade believes it as truth and protest, violently beating up innocent people. Fact: Violence is coming from the democratic party.
Back to that ………..AGAIN !!
As usual no proof just alligations not a fan of Russia but show us the proof. Just a thought how many think tank pieces for America talk about how to sway peoples thoughts on leaders of other countries that are not favorable to the United States or oust a leader. I bet you will find quite a few papers from our think tanks
And then they will have Fox news for dessert.
The official$#%&!@*clowns…and this guy
Bull, TRUMP WON FAIR AND SQUARE, Killery would have help from Putin, not Trump, but even with outright cheating, Trump still won !!
…and this story started wit….Once upon a time……
Russia alwready owned Hitlery !!!!!
Listen up you idiot’s Russia didn’t hold me hostage and force me to vote trump. Hillary lost because she is a pathological lying thief soldier killer baby killer$#%&!@*