The State Department is now offering a cash reward of $5 million for info on the whereabouts of former Guantanamo Bay detainee, Ibrahim al-Rubaysh.
OOOPS! How many other ‘mistakes’ like this have been made with all these Gitmo releases?
Obama has been releasing terrorists from Gitmo who openly state they will return to their jihadist brethren to attack us once again. Even Obama admits that the terrorists he releases could attack us again. Talk about brash!
What BS is this? Obama is robbing us again. He should be in jail for treason and theft.
I guess by your logic Bush is a Muslim born in Kenya and that explains why Bush released 520 terrorists and why Ibrahim al-Rubaysh was released in 2006 by the George W. Bush administration.
It just a other way to fund them Obama lets them go then pays his Muslim family to get them back
And if we cannot vet them ( we can’t) then we don’t know who they are and they should not enter!
Sue obama $5 million for his stupidity.
Really what game r they playing catch and release then pay to catch again it’s like when we were kids and you got tagged a friend had to unfreeze you
Who are they going to pay? One of their buddies?
Jason Manley, sir actually Bush is so connected to Saudi Arabia that his children called the Saudi Arabia embassidor Uncle. On 9-11, 14 of the 15 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia but Bush protected Saudi Arabia and attacked Iraq.
Oooopppsssss : Ibrahim al-Rubaysh was released in 2006 by the George W. Bush administration.
Some watchlist terrorist will turn him in, AlQ will be $5M richer to kill us, w/our own money.