America may be none for its overwhelmingly powerful military, bolstered by the largest Navy in the world, but all is not as it seems when it comes to America’s dominance of the seas.
While the United States possesses a huge fleet of naval ships patrolling oceans across the globe, those ships may not be as powerful as many may believe. That’s because the age of many of the ships have them sidelined for lengthy and expensive repairs. Couple that with a federal government that seems uninterested in continuing America’s military dominance, and you’ve got a navy that looks strong, but cannot perform at the levels it was once capable of.
Proof of the government’s negligence comes from how few of the naval ships in need of repairs are receiving the critical maintenance required to keep them in ship shape.
See the shocking numbers on the next page:
Spending on illegals and congress helping him!!!!!!!
That muthafucka just wont fucking stop will he??
Well obama didnt just mean he was going to “fundamentally transform” girls and boys bathrooms…..this^^ was his major target from day one which is why he has fired hundreds of Officers from the Pentagon on down to replace them with puppets who would allow Our military to be dismantled….
By design
Because the dirty mindless Muslim in chief is sending all our money to fund terrorism. Something has to give, and soon.
Well, this is the time for China or somebody to invade. Oh waite, 3.5 million guns in private hands says bring it on.
This c**p is disgusting!
We need Trump to build our military back up and to help our veterans here at home! Obama wants us as weak as possible, instead he arms our enemies and invites them here on American soil!