According to new rumors surfacing on the Internet, Michelle Obama’s health agenda is now being pushed on our armed forces. News of this comes after Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced that fried chicken, french fries and other fried foods will soon be removed from Navy menus.
And, as is expected, sailors are not happy about this. Many took to the Navy Times Facebook page to talk about it, blaming Michelle Obama of abusing her influence. Though this is a small issue, it speaks volumes about how the Obama Administration truly feels about our troops.
While she’s sitting comfortably in the White House, dieting vicariously through the nations children (and soon military) our servicemen are being forced to give up what might be one of the few small pleasures they have.
See what sailors are saying about this on the next page.
Outside Out out out who are you
She was an attorney not a Dr
Yeah, Michael, go back to playing football and quit trying to tell us what to eat while you stuff your face! You’re the reason a 50 cent candy bar now costs over a dollar!
What did she want them to eat? Bananas?
Thundercunt right there good riddance
Don’t let her at you! Just don’t do it!
Yikes, she is damn scary.
I’ve seen this and heard this many, many times.
Sally Bradley I saw a video about his male lover when he was a junior senator and how he was suddenly dead when Obama was running for president.
It is about time to tell her to take a hike…ah swim, “WOMAN OVERBOARD”,. Sh_t What is that Captain…NO LIFE BOATS, then throw her a da_n ancher.