According to new rumors surfacing on the Internet, Michelle Obama’s health agenda is now being pushed on our armed forces. News of this comes after Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced that fried chicken, french fries and other fried foods will soon be removed from Navy menus.
And, as is expected, sailors are not happy about this. Many took to the Navy Times Facebook page to talk about it, blaming Michelle Obama of abusing her influence. Though this is a small issue, it speaks volumes about how the Obama Administration truly feels about our troops.
While she’s sitting comfortably in the White House, dieting vicariously through the nations children (and soon military) our servicemen are being forced to give up what might be one of the few small pleasures they have.
See what sailors are saying about this on the next page.
Mind your own business, moochele!
What does it want sailors to eat bananas???
I remember in school we ate school lunch I have sat with my son in the lunch room I notice kids only eat the snacks and toss the rest my son comes home everyday hungry because kids don’t eat the lunches at school now it may be healthy but heather is not healthy if you’re not eating
When they said no I hope they had both hands raised and middle fingers extended.
Tell the$#%&!@*to p**s off
We did not hire this excuse for a human!
Good. M obama not a dietician nor authority to order diets.
She didn’t have any other agenda she was knowledgeable about as first Lady, guess what, she failed at that too.
She should start eating it cause she sure looks like she’s gained alot of weight to me.