According to new rumors surfacing on the Internet, Michelle Obama’s health agenda is now being pushed on our armed forces. News of this comes after Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced that fried chicken, french fries and other fried foods will soon be removed from Navy menus.
And, as is expected, sailors are not happy about this. Many took to the Navy Times Facebook page to talk about it, blaming Michelle Obama of abusing her influence. Though this is a small issue, it speaks volumes about how the Obama Administration truly feels about our troops.
While she’s sitting comfortably in the White House, dieting vicariously through the nations children (and soon military) our servicemen are being forced to give up what might be one of the few small pleasures they have.
See what sailors are saying about this on the next page.
How pathetic!!!!!!!
As far as I’m concerned our military can eat what they want without this wench telling them what’s good for them. I’d like to see her eat MRE’s for a month talk about some awful stuff.
Who cares the wicked witch is on her way out with lame duck hubby
He is no longer our president just a seat warmer for our new president
Just go away Michael.
This makes me so mad. First to the men and women in the military they should be allowed to have anything they want to eat and as much as they want. With the exercises they go thru every day I don’t see them gaining even an ounce. As far as school lunches who in hell gave that idiot the right to step in and try to feed our kids slop even dogs won’t eat. I hope president Trump steps in and sets something up so every child gets the equlivent of a home cooked meal with lots of meat veggies bread milk dessert and everything possible kids like to eat and the main thing is all school lunches and meals and snacks should be FREE…how many kids go hungry cause the parents just don’t have the money to pay for food. I’m sure there’s a way to do this. The state can absorb the cost of food for our kids so no child should go hungry. This is definately something president Trump can fix and it needs to be fixed asap.
Whoooo listens to this moron why does anyone think that this$#%&!@*is qualified to give advice on diet for any body?
What an ugly horrid mad dog that is!!!!! Put that damned thing out of its misery!!!! What frigging breed is that thing anyway!!!!! I know its a dog of some kind, its got “if seen, shoot it” tatood across its big$#%&!@*so you cant miss!!!!!! I know it belongs to obama, as it has a garbage disposal stuck in its face !!!!! Are the pups that butt ugly ??????
President of the Amazon republic of women ?!