Dr. Ben Carson once put forth that a Muslim should never be elected to the White House because their moral values run counter to the values and standards of our own Constitution. Perhaps he was looking at Obama who completely ignored the oath he swore to uphold.
The Center for Security Policy released a poll that should give all Americans pause. The results show that a startling number of American Muslims, our fellow citizens, agree that violence is a legitimate response to those who insult Islam.
Check out what a poll of Muslims had to say about Sharia and America on the next page:
Sadly, America caters to these evil bitches: There is not one muslim baker in America who will bake a cake for$#%&!@*and Jake, but let a Christian refuse and they are fined and jailed – They shut down whole sections of towns with their open-air prayer meetings and cops are not allowed to anything… unless they find out that it is ‘just’ a Christian group!!! A white guy in Florida is facing 15 years in prison for putting a few slices of raw bacon on a mosque door knob while a$#%&!@*in California was found not guilty of involuntary manslaughter for killing an innocent young legal American… though what he did was the very damn definition of involuntary manslaughter!!! Why does this American no longer live in the ‘great’ country of America… You tell me!!!
Dr. Carson is correct!
Why do we tolerate these traitors? Let the mass deportations begin.
Muslims are low light fucking scum why are they even here we need to get rid of every fucking one of them
And we brought all these cockroaches to Christian countries.
Well if you’re only gonna poll college age zombies
Then violence against them is Patriotic and necessary!
Or any branch in America.
Come on they just had a huge sale on ammo !!!
Deport them all from the United States. They do NOT belong here.