Dr. Ben Carson once put forth that a Muslim should never be elected to the White House because their moral values run counter to the values and standards of our own Constitution. Perhaps he was looking at Obama who completely ignored the oath he swore to uphold.
The Center for Security Policy released a poll that should give all Americans pause. The results show that a startling number of American Muslims, our fellow citizens, agree that violence is a legitimate response to those who insult Islam.
Check out what a poll of Muslims had to say about Sharia and America on the next page:
Damn if we said that mass investigation.
Time to send them back
Wow. This is why we just need to get rid of you all out of OUR COUNTRY!!!
They should NEVER be elected to any office, City, State or Government. They should also not be teachers!
These people need to be deported
Wake up America
Kill them … now or later
Do you actually think we give a ……,about your poll. Your muslim polls dont count in America. Why would you want violence against us if you are in our city, on our land, accepting our money and our hospitality. You dont make sense. Just go home to your tent in the dirt. You are unclean , nasty people with 0 percent of 0
I think it is very dangerous to have people who approve of violence to Americans , that think it is justified., living in our country. If a Christian doesn’t want to take part in supplying for a homosexual wedding they are driven out if business by exorbitant fines and called a bigot. But Muslims can behead Christians and Jews and no one says a thing, they are called a religion of peace. Yet their Koran calls for the death of homosexuals. I find the difference in dealing with these 2 groups inconsistent and it doesn’t make sense. I don’t feel safe around people who justify violence against Americans.