When Obama and a majority of Congress sent billions of dollars to support Iran, they broke a solemn oath to their offices and to the Constitution to protect the United States. They swore to protect America from threats “both foreign and domestic,” and to never provide aid and comfort to any enemy.
The campaign waged on American civil liberties, privacy, and free speech reaches far and wide and now the military must make its move to secure the United States from the traitors masquerading as representatives of American interests.
Read the details of Obama’s treason on page 2.
nothing will be done…just like nothing has been done for 8 yrs now
I don’t no what our currupt president has over the courts and the white house to keep killing COUNTRY,any otherpreident would have been sent prison and/or sent back as to were he came from where ever that be,it seems that no body seems to no or cares.
How does a citizen start a fed grand jury action?
Why as the military not acted yet if they are obligated to do so??
Obama didn’t GIVE money to Iran. The International Community unfroze money that was already Iran’s. Where were these ridiculous people when Reagan DID arm Iran!?
@realDonaldTrump https://vid.me/69bw https://lnkd.in/e2Ujujh As a USC, I am requesting the payment to me according with several criminal charges reported in Mexico and USA, mexican government has to pay me firstable @realDonaldTrump I have two licences in industrial engineering with the thesis related Degree Licence 1584187, CONACYT Scholarship 52078, according with mexican laws it is considered a patent itself, so the name of my thesis are in there as a requirement. ORACLE and SAP made a fraud world wide, the ERP technology and business data base are of my property. It is part of my patent in my master´s degree @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/ekM5KDE NO ME PAGAN ESTOS TIPOS DE FMC TECHNOLOGIES Y TECH MAHINDRA, $31,900.00 USD HACEN CONTRATOS LEONINOS PARA TRABAJAR EN MÉXICO Y NO CUMPLEN LAS LEYES LABORALES EN MÉXICO;ADEMÁS DE ENGAÑAR A LOS CLIENTES DICIENDO QUE TIENEN OFICINAS EN EL DF CUANDO ES SOLAMENTE VIRTUAL, ENGAÑÁNDOSE CREANDO UN TEMPLETE GLOBAL PARA EVADIR EL FISCO EN VARIOS PAÍSES. Además de cometer fraude laboral en México, posiblemente relacionados al tráfico de petroleo robado por parte de los illuminati, Bush, Gortari, Fox. Atras de todo esto esta Chevron, Nestlé, Praxis, Softtek @realDonaldTrump Primer objetvo ser reconocido como el padre de la ingenieria industrial como ciencia y creador de la tecnologia ERP y base de datos de negocios @realDonaldTrump DENUNCIA CIUDADANA PGR Se le asigno la clave: lupa/vq0LXY3Itx para el seguimiento de la misma. @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eHKHJBY https://lnkd.in/ekCDX7D Direct contact beween CPS San Antonio and DIF, they are looking Rh negative blood type for Gang Stalking implants https://lnkd.in/eDzakaX https://lnkd.in/eva4ApQ these illuminati are stealing our thesis ideas in real time after being approve and during the review process https://lnkd.in/euVWjDN They are killling maya children to produce implants for Gang Stalking using PH negative blood type
@realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eteakUx They have been doing the same in the child human traffcking from Mexico to USA @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eY6d4px https://lnkd.in/eF6R-pE https://lnkd.in/e87iTES The new inquisition, we are going to the Middle Age again @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/e8gpWq6 https://lnkd.in/eQ53uCJ They are stealing our tax money using a clearance Rothschild bank in Mexico @realDonaldTrump I have proof that I am catholic since I am a child but withchers in Tlatelolco like “Carmelita” and “esperitistas” have targeted my family for years @realDonaldTrump DENUNCIA CIUDADANA PGR Se le asigno la clave: coro/3RCyhRz4WG para el seguimiento de la misma. @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/e4_juKv https://lnkd.in/eGMndmF Ancient human trafficking between Mexico and USA killing mayas with RH negative blood in illuminati rituals and for transplants and creation of implants in gang stalking using nano technology @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eTsZ–A https://lnkd.in/e7grYXx The jew christian illuminati have all your personal data for manipulation and even for killing you @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/ezZSfJm They are related with all the killing of the illminati in all the Americas and education control @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eykWRjX https://lnkd.in/eXrQb7c https://lnkd.in/exmJz7Y The jew christian illuminati are coming again with slavery as never before @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/e–i3Xw https://lnkd.in/ez3FXZH The jew christian illuminati evil technology killing more mexicans @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/exkuwKV The criminal illuminti are helping each other to have the toppest positions for their illegal businesses @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eRXbzM5 I have reported criminal charges for real state fraud in Nashville, TN and San Antonio, TX as a TI police protecting criminals @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/enb_8vJ That is the tacting of Clinton, Calderon, Indian origen IT companies related with the stolen of my technology ERP @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eAumH5M The new Inquisition is a Target Individual and Gang Stalker system @realDonaldTrump I have two licences in industrial engineering with the thesis related Degree Licence 1584187, CONACYT Scholarship 52078, according with mexican laws it is considered a patent itself, so the name of my thesis are in there as a requirement. ORACLE and SAP made a fraud world wide, the ERP technology and business data base are of my property. It is part of my patent in my master´s degree @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/ekM5KDE NO ME PAGAN ESTOS TIPOS DE FMC TECHNOLOGIES Y TECH MAHINDRA, $31,900.00 USD HACEN CONTRATOS LEONINOS PARA TRABAJAR EN MÉXICO Y NO CUMPLEN LAS LEYES LABORALES EN MÉXICO;ADEMÁS DE ENGAÑAR A LOS CLIENTES DICIENDO QUE TIENEN OFICINAS EN EL DF CUANDO ES SOLAMENTE VIRTUAL, ENGAÑÁNDOSE CREANDO UN TEMPLETE GLOBAL PARA EVADIR EL FISCO EN VARIOS PAÍSES. Además de cometer fraude laboral en México, posiblemente relacionados al tráfico de petroleo robado por parte de los illuminati, Bush, Gortari, Fox. Atras de todo esto esta Chevron, Nestlé, Praxis, Softtek
Todos ya los tienen, revise los email de los servidores públicos que anexo a este email son unos corruptos, me deben más de 3 millones de pesos de mi pensión en la prima de Riesgos de trabajo con Infosys Technologies en Monterrey, NL, ya lo reporte penalmente en México y en EU. Varios email fueron bloqueados por su server desde el asesino de Calderón, tengo copias de todos los email, mande algunos al email que me proporcionas. Auditen sus emai, ya estan demandados penalmente en México y en EU
Por favor anexar estos dos links a la denuncias:
P r e s e n t e.-Buenas tardes Hago referencia a su petición relativa al desempeño de las funciones de servidores públicos adscritos al Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Al respecto, es importante señalar que este Órgano Interno de Control agradece su confianza, y a fin de estar en posibilidades de iniciar la investigación de los hechos relatados por usted, le invitamos a que en caso de contar con documentos o información adicional que soporte sus petición, nos ponemos a su disposición en ésta área a través del correo electrónico [email protected] o directamente en nuestras oficinas ubicadas en Av. Revolución No. 1586, Colonia San Ángel, Delegación Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01000, México, D.F.
Atentamente Lic. Ricardo Jiménez Yáñez Órgano Interno de Control Área de Quejas División de Atención Ciudadana @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/evqsqKX https://lnkd.in/eu6qEFh Child trafficking is done by the SA police, CPS San Antonio, Mexican Consulate in SA, TX confirmed @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/e7XKZsa Weather manipulation is a reality in Mexico, the illuminati following the same history again and again @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/ebDSUZZ https://lnkd.in/eU5Pa_u https://lnkd.in/eu6H3Fm Mexico needs to have pure maya blood in power instead of the jew christian illuminati, it is unique @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eAB3Kcy https://lnkd.in/e95RuGr It seems that jews from these countries participated against the students in the 1968 year https://lnkd.in/es2fCGy You can not believe in a Jewish nothing they say and not a little bit so @realDonaldTrump DENUNCIA CIUDADANA PGR Se le asigno la clave: coro/gAioO7xzW6 para el seguimiento de la misma. @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eX6XhtG They started the war against the RH negative blood, for Mayas that the end of the illuminati @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/e262TK4n It looks that again world wide population against the jew christian manners but Rotchshilds control everything @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eyQ4AQG https://lnkd.in/er_Gyfg https://lnkd.in/eX_t__i https://lnkd.in/eDsNrSx At least the IMSS owes me 3 million pesos after an attack of Infosys Technologies as TI having a risk labor insurance coverage @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/eUfMkEc Rothchild´s clearance mexican bank stealing our taxes protected by the illuminati army @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/etUTxyR The Bush, Clinton, illuminati use the CIA and tax money to make illegal trafficking all over the world @realDonaldTrump I have two licences in industrial engineering with the thesis related Degree Licence 1584187, CONACYT Scholarship 52078, according with mexican laws it is considered a patent itself, so the name of my thesis are in there as a requirement. ORACLE and SAP made a fraud world wide, the ERP technology and business data base are of my property. It is part of my patent in my master´s degree @realDonaldTrump https://lnkd.in/ekM5KDE NO ME PAGAN ESTOS TIPOS DE FMC TECHNOLOGIES Y TECH MAHINDRA, $31,900.00 USD HACEN CONTRATOS LEONINOS PARA TRABAJAR EN MÉXICO Y NO CUMPLEN LAS LEYES LABORALES EN MÉXICO;ADEMÁS DE ENGAÑAR A LOS CLIENTES DICIENDO QUE TIENEN OFICINAS EN EL DF CUANDO ES SOLAMENTE VIRTUAL, ENGAÑÁNDOSE CREANDO UN TEMPLETE GLOBAL PARA EVADIR EL FISCO EN VARIOS PAÍSES. Además de cometer fraude laboral en México, posiblemente relacionados al tráfico de petroleo robado por parte de los illuminati, Bush, Gortari, Fox. Atras de todo esto esta Chevron, Nestlé, Praxis, Softtek
PLEASE let this be true
Glenn Monson It would be a Revolution if it was coming from the Citizens ! It would be a Rebellion coming from the Military !!! And your right it has happened many timesin other Nations But only once here in America ! That is why it must come from the Citizens and not the Military and the Military can join in ! But they are training the Military to go against the Citizens when the Crash comes ! Obama got rid of any of the top Brass that would stand up to him !!! It isn’t going to Happen wish as you might !!!