Suburban Atlanta is the latest locale in America where parents finding their middle school-aged children are forcibly taught Islam. Additionally, the parents say, the school is pointedly ignoring and excluding Christianity. The source of this bias is found on the next page:
I have begged Georgia to end common core but they like that government money more than they do the children
Go to school board meetings as a group. You can win ! Do not sit back and expect it to go away on its own ! This is not acceptable in any classroom in America.
God does answere prayers but prayers have to happen, God was pushed out , democrats / liberals / atheists so that opens the door to satan who is in the house now , his muslim followers are coming, in order to back our goverment our country is for American citizens to unite and fight.
If this is true and the religion was taught a shutdown of that school along with a resting and charging for breaking the Constitution should take place. if they had taught Catholicism the same would happen . we have separation of church and state for a reason.
fight this c**p hire attorney and fight
We are suppose to be a republic but the alligence to this country is offencive , under democratic rule , democrats have had 7 years to show us thier total destruction of country military and society , they have pushed God out of everything , so satan stepped in and is in the house. I pray God help our children because thru G I d all things are possible, just believe.
If they have no students then teachers who teach this c**p have no jobs and if there are no students then the school can sit there and rot , but parents have to be willing to fight this way and shut this islam teaching down !!!!
UNACCEPTABLE!!! Common core and Islam have NO place in our country or schools!