Suburban Atlanta is the latest locale in America where parents finding their middle school-aged children are forcibly taught Islam. Additionally, the parents say, the school is pointedly ignoring and excluding Christianity. The source of this bias is found on the next page:
This is WRONG
Islam. The only religion to find cartoons offensive but not murder, child abuse, rape, pedophilia, genocide, torture, infanticide,$#%&!@*$#%&!@* genital mutilation, slavery, beating their wives, burning people alive, killing infants/ children, destroying churches/ temples/ artifacts , multiple wives, no music/ phones ISIS/ make-up or other religions
* Destroy Mecca
1.) Kill any one who insults Islam or Moham-mad. (Koran.33;57-61).
2.) Kill all Muslims who leave Islam. (Koran.2;217/4;89/Bukhari.9;84-57).
3.) Koran can not be doubted. (Koran.2;1).
4.) Islam is the only acceptable religion. (Koran.3;85).
5.) Muslims must fight (jihad) to non-Muslims, even if they don’t want to. (Koran.2;216).
6.) We the non-Muslims are pigs and apes. (Koran. 2;62-65/Koran.5;59-60/Koran.7;166).
7.) We the non-Muslims cannot be friends with Muslims. (Koran.5;51).
8.) We the non-Muslims sworn enemies of Muslims and Islam. (Koran.4;101).
9.) We the non-Muslims can be raped as sex slave. (Koran.4;3 & 24/5;89/23;5/33;50/58;3/70;30).
10.) We the non-Muslims the vilest of creatures deserving no mercy. (Koran.98;6).
11.) Muslim must terrorized us (non-Muslims). (Koran.8;12 &59-60/ Bukhari.4;52;220).
12.) Muslims must strike terror into non-Muslims hearts. (Koran.8;60).
13.) Muslims must lie to us (non-Muslims) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran.3;28?16;106).
14.) Muslims are allowed to behead us (non_Muslims) (Koran.47;4).
15.) Muslims are guaranteed to go to heaven if they kill us (non-Muslims). (Koran.9;111).
16.) Marrying and divorcing pre-pubescent children is OK. (Koran.65;4).
17.) Wife beating is OK. (Koran.4;34).
18.) Raping wives is OK. (Koran.2;223).
19.) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses. (Koran.24;13).
20.) Muslims are allowed to crucify and amputate us (non-Muslims). Koran.8;12/47;4).
* Women slavery
When it comes to Islam, it is not about their *religion*, it is about their *LAW*.
Shari’ah law is 100% diametrically opposed to freedom.
That is just a fact.
Islamic Shari’ah law supersedes all law on earth.
To a Muslim, this is fact.
Since ALL Muslims have Shari’ah Law as the foundational guide of their thoughts, acting, and existence — Shari’ah being the very fabric of their being — then leading a free country is an IMPOSSIBILITY.
This is just fact.
If it is impossible for a Muslim to uphold American freedoms and American laws, then it unequivocally disqualified them from the office of President.
Any Islamic man seeking to run a non-Islamic country has nothing but the Islamization of that country in mind.
This is just fact.
So, it’s not really a matter of being for or against Dr. Carson personally, but a matter of knowledge and understanding of Islam, coupled with a willingness to accept the truth without bowing to political correctness.
Besides if all these people are leaving because they feel oppressed and stuff is unfair and stuff like that then why are they doing in trying to change the laws of our land and push their religion in our schools if they’re home with s***** then why you trying to change our home to your old homeland
No way!
It’s the parents fault… You have the power to nip it in the bud
Screw Islam!!! This IS America!!!!!!
It sounds like its time to pay attenetion to who our children are learning in school. What happed to an edcution in reading, writing and history not to memtion figuring ???
Bit only that but bring up the point to bring the pledge of allegiance back of the schools so into religion
Replace the adminstration that forces this on our kids, or move to another school, unacceptable.
common core is common B.S.,CLOSE that school,homeschooling