U.S. Kids Pointedly Taught Islam in School — Common Core

Ryan Breece, a Christian father of three who has a sixth-grade daughter at Youth Middle School in Loganville, Ga, complained his daughter recently came home with a social studies assignment all about the core teachings of Islam.

According to Breece, the taxpayer-funded assignment meticulously instructs students about Islam but almost entirely ignores Christianity.

“We are seeing one page, five statements of Christian faith and we see five or 10 pages of Islamic faith,” the mad dad told WAGA-TV. “So we have no accountability to make sure that it’s equal.”

Breece also disagrees with the far-reaching assignment’s description of Islam as an Abrahamic religion which worships the same deity Christian and Jewish people worship.

“My daughter learning the Islamic religion contradicts my faith in general, and I would prefer to receive that information in advance so, that way, I can decide on whether that goes against my faith.”
According to Breece, he was so alarmed about what his sixth-grade daughter was — and was not — learning that he scheduled a meeting with the principal at Youth Middle School (David Todd, according to the school’s website).

Breece and the principal arranged for his daughter to opt out of the coursework on Islam.

Breece has also established a Facebook page concerning his complaint: Georgia Public School’s Islamic Curriculum. The closed group currently boasts 1,565 members.

“In Youth Middle School’s defense they are teaching a common core mandated curriculum given to them by the state,” the Facebook group’s description states. “However, to change the situation we must start somewhere.”

Source: Daily Caller

Yes, Obama is the source of this through his common core education.

A Walton County school district representative said that Breece is one of only two local parents to complain to the administration about the curriculum.

Funny, if only one Muslim or atheist complained about, say, Christmas, they wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate every reference of it.
Earlier this month, parents in a Nashville suburb expressed similar alarm because their middle school children are focusing strongly on Islam in a world history class but, they say, the course material pointedly ignores Christianity.



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