Due to a class-action lawsuit filed by the ACLU last year on behalf of 11 illegals who deported themselves, the US government will buys ads online, in print, on billboards, and on radio and TV stations in Mexico and Southern California to inform them that they can return.
Next thing you know the border fence will work only to fence them in….someone go ask FEMA if they have any in the works…
I think that immigration PERIOD is not needed at this time!!!!!!!!!
Jus IN$#%&!@*INSAIN. Hunt em down send em back we can’t afford it
Close the borders!! Then protct them!
FELLOW AMERICAN CHRISTIANS PLEASE READ THIS. Why is there Christians supporting Israel? Because the same Ashkenazi Zionists have infiltrated American Christian churches. Infecting them with lies and dogma to gain more support. Thats how foundamentalist Christians are made, only if Christians knew the history of Israel. They would know that the Jewish temple is almost done being built for the antichrist to reveal himself and proclaim to be God. 14,000 new settlements in Palestine. Palestine is not even in our school books anymore!
The ACLU needs to cease&desist. Now they R fighting 4 illegals!
stop trucks and all invaders =kill on sight
Wtf is wrong our goverment screw the ACLU!!!
Should be for the other direction and say “Mexico” not “USA”
Mexico stopping trains and deporting them before they get here.
exico appears to b
Acoustic is a bunch of usless liberals.