Due to a class-action lawsuit filed by the ACLU last year on behalf of 11 illegals who deported themselves, the US government will buys ads online, in print, on billboards, and on radio and TV stations in Mexico and Southern California to inform them that they can return.
Next thing you know the border fence will work only to fence them in….someone go ask FEMA if they have any in the works…
are we so broke that we need cheaper labor to compensarte for all the money obama has spent thats what it probably boils down to
Good thing about this, is that Border Patrol no longer grant Voluntary Returns with no charges. They are now being deported.
Any thing to bring the country down.
can’t they understand we don’t want them here, they are only useing them to break this country, there is no work for them, so they need to go home
WTF< let them leave or deport them, no one wants to support these leeches
time to shoot every dam one of them lets start with the illegal in our white house wearing the presidents title
the people going to have to stop it by force
But they have to go back to get more drugs
WE THE PEOPLE THE REAL AMERICANS are going to have to stop this invasion…by whatever means
Then we need to send a resounding message to our government that they need to take a u-turn to Mexico and take all the illegal, alien, criminals with them.