Due to a class-action lawsuit filed by the ACLU last year on behalf of 11 illegals who deported themselves, the US government will buys ads online, in print, on billboards, and on radio and TV stations in Mexico and Southern California to inform them that they can return.
Next thing you know the border fence will work only to fence them in….someone go ask FEMA if they have any in the works…
Let them go back you know they get free college and medical and housing wake up go home give me my Marine you havfe a safe trip get out!!!
Dear God. help
Is ease ignorance and evil
Have taken over the land you gave to us
well leave the u -turn sign but give every home address on the ACLU payrow …so all the illegals can stay at their house’s !!! The Aclu will be able to support all the illgals needs medical, food, education …all out of there wallet…I figure like that hypocritical fat $#%&!@* have mansions where they can house alot of kids …
How about for our Marine jailed there ???????????
Dumbass sympathizers, have no idea of the diseases and stds they bring…
The ACLU receives much of its funds from the government and uses those funds to destroy the country from within their name should be American Communist Legal Union and their motto “We destroy the constitution whenever possible”
Dumb idea!
This is B.S