Due to a class-action lawsuit filed by the ACLU last year on behalf of 11 illegals who deported themselves, the US government will buys ads online, in print, on billboards, and on radio and TV stations in Mexico and Southern California to inform them that they can return.
Next thing you know the border fence will work only to fence them in….someone go ask FEMA if they have any in the works…
American Civil Liberty Union seems more concerned about the liberties of “illegals”, then it does of Americans!
Bull$#%&!@*. Quit spending our money on illegals
So can we get our Marine back, since those signs weren’t up when he mistakenly crossed into mexico
Why is the ACLU representing non Americans? This decision should be appealed it is invalid, null and void.
that right there is treason
How many of them came here to get away from a corrupt government and rampant poverty only to get caught in a boondoggle government program and living in… poverty!
Then we should not have to pay the portion of our taxes that pays for these illegal ‘s!
The ACLU should be outlawed and abolished!!!!!!!
Wish they would all stay in their countries,we have enough problems.
evil is taking over godd bye u.s.a hello evil