The Obama administration continues to change the official story surrounding the American boats and men captured and detained by Iranians earlier this week.
Many criticized the president for not mentioning the ordeal as it was happening during his State of the Union speech, but now its becoming clear that nothing was said of the tense situation because the Obama administration couldn’t keep its story straight as to why the ships were where they ended up being.
It was initially reported that mechanical failure left the ship adrift, which caused them to enter Iranian territorial waters. Then, the story was changed, as a navigational error became the official line from the White House.
Regardless, the Iranian response is what has many irked about the ordeal, as the president continues to push the narrative that Iranian relations are strong as a result of Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal.
Check out the administrations flip-flop on the situation on the next page, along with a quote from Sen. John McCain:
This is BS and more of the same. Two Navy crews, with GPS, radar, and who knows what else, did not make a navigational error while sailing through waters surrounded by a hostile nation’s territorial waters.
All i can say is just another lie.
I told you obama was no dam good why the hell is he still president of this country he should be removed from office now by force if necessary…….
I think it’s a damn shame what they are doing to our military
Waiting for the REAL TRUTH some day. Navy seals can verify the real truth because this is UNBELIEVABLE! TOO MANY LIES IN THIS SIDE! Too many checks and balances for this to happen. I believe they were taken in International waters and that was why they took what they did so it couldn’t be proven. A widow of a US NAVY Veteran!
we led them to our boats/men…. WTH?
OBama the lier about whole thing.
He released a bunch of gitmo terrorists about the same time.
I say it was set up, then Iran lets them go to make things look good. Then Obama gives them 1.7 billion dollars.Like we owe them something other than a good nuking.
Dictators always make photo ops.