The Obama administration continues to change the official story surrounding the American boats and men captured and detained by Iranians earlier this week.
Many criticized the president for not mentioning the ordeal as it was happening during his State of the Union speech, but now its becoming clear that nothing was said of the tense situation because the Obama administration couldn’t keep its story straight as to why the ships were where they ended up being.
It was initially reported that mechanical failure left the ship adrift, which caused them to enter Iranian territorial waters. Then, the story was changed, as a navigational error became the official line from the White House.
Regardless, the Iranian response is what has many irked about the ordeal, as the president continues to push the narrative that Iranian relations are strong as a result of Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal.
Check out the administrations flip-flop on the situation on the next page, along with a quote from Sen. John McCain:
Trump–the guy who’s spent his entire career paying off politicians is the one person who can be trusted–never to be bought? Really, Randy?
Oh that’s right–he’s a billionaire, thanks to a 200 million inheritance, and bankruptcy courts… Otherwise, his businesses would still be figuring out a way to pay off an 8 billion dollar debt!
He’s a joke!
don’t you people know that that Moron in our white house is a fucking lair he is been a fucking Radical liar Muslim from day one and you peoples still believe the diarrhea that comes out of his mouth every time he opens his mouth we need to get to congress and have this Moron impeached now
Stay tuned everyone…there will be other versions to come
I don’t believe anything this administration says!
Trees will suffice. Really don’t need gallows.
so what else is new?????????
Video coming soon…….move over Hillary, I have a new theory.
None of this is surprising, given our incompetent government!
and yet all you idiots want to believe this garbage coming from a$#%&!@*news reporting and I use the term loosly and if you all believe this garbage you need your heads examined
the no SHAME PARTY…2016