According to 2 studies by 2 U.S. Army scientists, the Ebola virus is sensitive to warm weather and can go airborne when the temperature drops.
The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases concluded Ebola is indeed airborne but can’t be spread the through air in Africa because it’s too warm as temperatures there rarely drop below 65°F.
Click on the link below for more information:
I’ve been led to believe that ebola does not like the sun.
That’s nice
Aha, I am also still hoping for more global warming here in Germany in order to get rid of the cold winter here … sometimes I am selfish too, not sure if the people in thge deserts appreaciate global warming to much but so what, if it is desert anyhow, a few degrees warmer doesn’t make so much difference to them, i.e. if the Arabs sweat at 35°C or at 37°C over there since they would need airconditionig and Refrigerators anyhow, but here in cold Germany it makes the difference between financial ruin or not as to whether in the winter the temperature is slightly below freezing or slightly above freezing. When there is snow on the roads, they spray serious salt water and then my old Jaguar car rusts away just as Frosty the snowman melts away in Dubai’s indoor ski-slopes if their Air-conditioning gets switched off for avoiding cynical waste of fossil energy resources. And that Jaguar is my retirement investment … or in economics language: If the roads are slippery from ice and snow, these idiots here drain hundreds of millions of Dollars if not billions by crashing their cars every winter and the insurances drain that from the safe drivers that never cause any accidents but have to pay also very high insurance premiums into that solidary club for shifting that amounts of money cynical idiots who cannot drive safely and even to criminally intentionally carcrash-orchestrating organized terrorists which don’t seem to ever get caught (probably because they have many corrupt criminal buddies in the Police and justice systems and even in the Bavaria beermugdrunk-mafia sadistic tyranny-government – and almost all criminal laws can be applicable also by law-violating omission).
false flag
Not sure I believe this headline
thanks for the information
Not surprisingly I just found out that a product I’ve been taking for years cures Ebola. Ionic Silver from Kills ALL viral infections! And the guy who runs the company tried sending a 1/4 million dollars worth of it to Africa and it was turned away and sent back; not once, not twice but 3 times!!! So, obviously they want those people to die and spread as far and wide as possible to cut down the population as much as they can. Georgia Stonehenge and all… Google Georgia Stonehenge
Bruce, maybe those who rejected your “ionic silver” did so because they know it is worthless as a cure against viruses. And Delton, If some doctor knows of a vaccine for ebola that is “86 per cent” effective, they should start to use it. It would stop their epidemic.
There is a doctor in Africa that s
Saying they are lying to us in the usa that there is a vaccine that they have been using in Africa that has an 86 percent survival rate and the doctors here No about it but it is more profitable for them not to tell us and I’m sure they are being hashed up by the Government to they rule the Medical establishment now like they do the hole country it’s not a free country any Moore there killing us all and getting by with it on this earth any way not on judgement Day
New World Order’s way of eliminating the population.
excellent..cold weather is coming to DC