According to 2 studies by 2 U.S. Army scientists, the Ebola virus is sensitive to warm weather and can go airborne when the temperature drops.
The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases concluded Ebola is indeed airborne but can’t be spread the through air in Africa because it’s too warm as temperatures there rarely drop below 65°F.
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I heard the opposite . That the warm air makes it more susceptible .
Okay just read it
Yep believe that
Source citation with a date, maybe? Not at this site, far as I can tell.
Although I do seriously question the validity of this post the WHO and CDC have both said that although Ebola is highly unlikely to go airborne the more it spreads and copies itself the higher the likelihood is of it going airborne. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen folks. If we did nothing it would just continue to spread like wildfire and eventually go airborne over there anyway. Just remember that although we think the world revolves around us the laws of nature still apply to us. When populations get too high and resources run thin disease and sickness sweep through and thin the herd out. Just don’t worry about it. Turn off the news cuz there is nothing you can do about it.
Hospitals stay on the cooler side because bacteria grow in warm temperatures
Ebola is a virus, not a bacteria Einstein.
Im so over this Ebola c**p I promise big bad lime green Ebola ain’t gonna get cha
No legitimate sources. It’s droplet-based. Temperature doesn’t change that.
No it doesnt. Jesus, can you stop with the lies