One thing you can count on from the various agencies that infest the United Nations is unremitting criticism of the United States. If you really took the U.N. seriously, you’d have to wonder how the world has survived with the United States as a member of the “global community.” But then again maybe we are a bit masochistic in that we fund much of the effort of the U.N. to denigrate our country.
It’s not like this is a new phenomenon – that the U.N. just woke up recently to what a menace the United States has been to the world. They’ve been a pretty consistent bunch over the decades when it comes to criticizing our country. They do try to be nicer to us when we have a “right thinking” leader like Obama, who is ready to bow before most any globalist endeavor. Surely the possibility that we might elect Donald Trump is giving them nightmares.
But to get to specifics, here’s the latest outrage from those who would be our global masters. Move to the next page:
this is also right…..besides…..who has been paying for all their welfare for years…..we have paid more in welfare than we probably could have paid in reparation….
F**k the U N.. Get out of our country.
Lmao as soon$#%&!@*they go after those nations who have violated human rights including murder and cv torture. In other words stfu.
UN TWATS ! P**s off and try dictating on planet MARS !
Tell Obama that the american people want the UN out of america today. They are not welcome in our business, and we will not be part of their “ONE WORLD” government.
UN has no power of Americans be clear they have no power our constitution protects all Americans and if they intrude on this then there declaring war on Americans there goes there meal ticket
UN has no power here. We will defund them, kick them out revoke their diplomatic immunity, and turn the UN complex into housing and services for veterans
UN stay out face our true American military and Putin’s Russian army.
Screw the UN..all Muslim brotherhood Members
Kick the useless nations off us soil permanently and stop all funding to them